The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

Welcome To Our Website

Beamsley, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6HE

01756 710378



 We encourage curiosity, enjoyment and the acquisition of skills alongside a growing understanding of science and technology, through an approach in which children investigate and raise questions about the world in which they live. Practical observation and enquiry leads children to study the three strands: Life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes (forces/light and sound/space)

 Our aims are:

  • To explore and explain our world, solve problems and bring about change.
  • How information and valid evidence underpin ideas and practice in science and technology
  • How science and human needs interact to create new knowledge, technologies and products
  • How the natural and man-made worlds evolve, are interdependent and interrelated and how humans engage and influence their environment
  • To encourage the safe and proper use of scientific and technological equipment and materials
  • To develop in pupils the confidence to apply what they have learned to a variety of situations
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