Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is a fundamental aspect of all children’s education and it plays a vital part in the curriculum of the Boyle and Petyt Primary School (the School). The School follows the key objectives of the National Curriculum and the principles of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. The National Curriculum states that all maintained schools must offer a curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society and prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework states that personal, social and emotional development is a prime area of learning and is particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving. The School also has a statutory obligation to teach about healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online: Relationships Education (RSE).
PSHE lessons aim to inform and equip children with the key knowledge and information to allow them to lead confident, healthy and responsible lives as individuals, as members of British society and as members of a global community. The age and religious background of all pupils is taken into account when teaching, so that the topics taught are appropriately handled. All lessons will have regard to the importance of showing respect for other people, paying particular regard for the protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010 which include: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
All lessons will be carried out in accordance with clear and appropriate ground rules intended to minimise inappropriate and unintended comments and questions. Ground rules should deter remarks of a negative nature being made towards other students (whether intentional or not).
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, children’s personal, social and emotional development is prioritised and underpins all aspects of learning. Self-regulation, managing self and building relationships are an important part of the early years of a child’s development. The Early Years curriculum ensures that all children have regular and planned opportunities to learn about and develop in this area. The Early Years curriculum is planned so that the teaching and learning feeds into and follows similar themes to those taught further up the School.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, The School has adopted a joint PSHE and RSE curriculum which incorporates the National Curriculum obligations to teach PSHE and the statutory obligations to teach RSE. The curriculum follows the the Kapow Primary RSE and PSHE Mixed Age Scheme of work. The scheme has been designed as a spiral curriculum which is cyclical, meaning that pupils revisit the key areas of learning throughout KS1 and KS2. Each time a key area is revisited, it is covered with greater depth and the content reflects the increasing maturity of the children. Upon returning to each key area, prior knowledge is re-visited so pupils can build on previous learning.
The curriculum covers five main areas of learning:
- Family and relationships. Learning how to: form respectful relationships with others, deal with conflict and bullying and the importance of challenging stereotypes.
- Health and Wellbeing. Learning strategies for looking after their mental and physical health, including: healthy eating, relaxation techniques, sun safety, immunisation facts and the benefits of sleep.
- Safety and the Changing Body. Learning: how to administer first aid in a variety of situations, how to stay safe around medicines, road safety, on line safety and the changes which occur during puberty.
- Citizenship. Learning about: human rights and the rights of the child, democracy, diversity and community and protecting the environment.
- Economic Wellbeing. Learning how to make decisions when it comes to spending, budgeting and saving money and exploring different career choices.
In Year 6, the children will learn about identity: considering what makes us who we are whilst learning about gender and sexual identity and body image.
The PSHE curriculum (incorporating the RSE curriculum) is delivered through systematic and sequenced lessons which follow a logical and age appropriate progression from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6. School staff deliver the curriculum through weekly timetabled lessons.
Children are given the opportunity to work as a class, as part of a group or as individuals. The choice of class organisation is determined by the learning task or activity, the nature of the topic being studied and the resources being used. A class ‘big book’ or journal is kept to demonstrate learning and progression in each class.
Key themes are reinforced through assemblies, through visitors to the school, through educational visits and through other planned events.
All pupils, regardless of race, gender or ability, will have equal opportunities to participate in all activities. All pupils are encouraged to reach their full potential through the provision of varied opportunities and teaching is adapted to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils.
Differentiation is child-centred and is based upon the pupils’ individual needs to ensure that they are taught effectively. When curriculum planning, opportunities are identified for all pupils to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills. Evaluating lessons helps teachers to identify where changes can be made for future planning and development.
Within the School there are pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and pupils of high ability who require support and guidance in different ways. School staff and the School’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) closely monitor the needs of all pupils to ensure that all pupils are engaged and supported. Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) are supported and guided by their teachers as required.
Teaching is overseen and monitored by the School’s PSHE Subject Leader against the curriculum and the objectives set out in the School’s PSHE Progression Document and the Medium Term Plans.
Lessons include regular low-stakes testing allowing teachers to evaluate the extent to which pupils know and remember more.
Monitoring is carried out by the Subject Leader through:
- Reviewing planning documentation.
- Discussions with staff.
- Pupil voice.
- Classroom observation.
- Monitoring the content of the ‘big book’ / journal.
Other monitoring is carried out by the Head Teacher, the North Yorkshire Senior Education Adviser and the Governors.
Kapow Primary
Click on the links below to see the Kapow Primary resources.